4 Updates to Google Analytics 4 That Businesses Should Know

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Stanislav F.
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5 minutes
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Feb 21, 2023
These changes mean marketers must use the newer and more advanced Google Analytics 4 platform instead of the older Universal Analytics platform. It is recommended that marketers switch to GA4 as soon as possible to take advantage of its more advanced features and capabilities.

Here are four fundamental changes to Google Analytics 4 you should know about:

Machine Learning

GA4 is reducing its reliance on third-party cookies and privacy information and will use AI to fill in data gaps. This should make it easier to adapt to industry changes and any future deficiencies in your data. Additionally, marketers can now group users based on how likely they are to purchase within the next seven days, which will help with remarketing.

Cross-Device/Cross-Platform Tracking

Universal Analytics (UA) was initially developed to help businesses understand how people interacted with their websites. With more businesses creating apps, GA4 has been developed to allow businesses to analyze the customer journey across all their platforms, including their website and apps.

As a business, GA4 helps you better manage your audiences and track user behavior on different platforms. Additionally, GA4 now allows the creation of custom funnels based on events, which was previously a pay-only feature.


GA4 is a shift from the session-based approach of UA to tracking user events. This means things like button clicks, page visits, video views, and other activity on your website or app will be recorded and analyzed. This will make it much easier for businesses to create and evaluate reports and to follow customers on their journey until purchase.

Complete User Journey

GA4 will work to track the entire user journey across all of these categories. A new section called Life Cycle will contain reports on how users are acquired, engaged, retained, and monetized, giving businesses and marketers more insight into their users.

Upgrading to Google Analytics 4

At this point, it's a no-brainer to switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) as soon as possible. Doing so will provide your business with access to the latest data and insights and the ability to take advantage of the newest machine learning capabilities. Upgrading now also gives you plenty of time to learn the technology while starting the machine learning process as early as possible.

Google has simplified the upgrade process by providing an upgrade button and plenty of documentation, training, and support. All in all, switching to GA4 now is the best choice to ensure your business is up-to-date and ready to take advantage of the latest features come July 2023.


Google Analytics 4 is a powerful tool for businesses to measure their marketing performance and make data-driven decisions. It offers several valuable updates that businesses should be aware of, including new user-centric measurement capabilities, improved data accuracy and trust, new fraud protection features, and cross-platform and cross-device reporting.

For businesses to be successful in the digital space, it is essential to take advantage of the latest features offered by Google Analytics 4 to understand their customers better and maximize their ROI.

Stats Agency is a small team of awesome, creative, and prospective people concentrating on bringing value to people who profit from our service and make them feel the difference. Using the most professional and efficient approaches to acquiring user data and building convertible landing pages, we can make your brand stand out in an overcrowded digital space. If you want to upgrade to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with us today!

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