5 Reasons to Switch to Google Analytics 4 — Google's Latest Update

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Stanislav F.
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4 minutes
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Feb 14, 2023
Are you looking for the most advanced analytics tool to help you better understand your customer's journey? If so, you're in luck! Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is Google's newest analytics offering, and it is packed with features to help you gain valuable insights into how customers interact with your business.

Whether you are a business owner, marketer, or data analyst, Google Analytics 4 is the perfect tool. Here are the top 5 reasons why you should switch to Google Analytics 4:

GA4 Is the Industry Standard

GA4 is the new version of Google Analytics and will be the industry standard. It will only start collecting data from the time it's created and won't be able to import any past data from other GA properties. To get the most out of it, we recommend setting up GA4 right away.

GA4 Offers Cutting-Edge Features

GA4 is a new version of Google Analytics that allows users to access cutting-edge tracking capabilities without needing additional code. As of late 2020, it has been made the default property type for all new Google Analytics accounts, and Google plans to add more features as time progresses.

GA4 Upgrades Are Easy to Do

When upgrading to Google Analytics 4, the process is simple. Start at google.com/analytics and select the account you want to use. Under the property column, click Upgrade to GA4 and then Get Started under I need to create a new Google Analytics 4 property if you are using gtag.js. If you are using Tag Manager, you will need to configure it manually. Once the property is created, go to the stream details page and alter the Enhanced Measurement settings to determine which events are recorded. It is recommended to leave all events enabled.

Once you've set up your event tracking, it's time to add the necessary code to your website. If you are currently using gtag.js for Universal Analytics, you can add a line of code to your existing tag. If Tag Manager is in use, you'll need to create a GA4 tag in your existing container. Do not remove your UA tag. All you need to set up the GA4 tag is your new GA4 ID, and you'll set the trigger to fire for each page view, as with the UA base tag.

GA4 Offers Greater Flexibility

Google Analytics 4 lets users create personalized reports with only the needed data, making their dashboards less crowded. This helps people find the most important data quicker, making informed decisions quickly and making their website or app more successful.

GA4 Will Provide More Upgraded Features Soon

As we progress, we will have the opportunity to move more features from our Universal Analytics property to our Google Analytics 4 property. Currently, the GA4 property does not have the same filtering capabilities as our UA property, but this may be an option soon.


Google Analytics 4 is a revolutionary update for web analytics. It offers an array of features that can help businesses to take their web analytics and marketing efforts to the next level. From improved insights and data accuracy to enhanced user and event tracking, this latest update from Google provides greater control and flexibility to businesses.

By switching to Google Analytics 4, businesses can be sure they are taking advantage of the best technology to measure their website's performance and optimize their marketing efforts. It's no wonder that Google Analytics 4 is quickly becoming the go-to platform for web analytics and marketing professionals worldwide.

Stats Agency is a small team of awesome, creative, and prospective people concentrating on bringing value to people who profit from our service and make them feel the difference. Using the most professional and efficient approaches to acquiring user data and building convertible landing pages, we can make your brand stand out in an overcrowded digital space. If you want to upgrade to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with us today!

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